Friday, November 04, 2005


Bättre nu. Nästan fungerande.
Under min rehabilitering läste jag om Mary McCarthys fantastiska bok "The Group", då jag ville minnas att Sortes Vergilianae utövades däri. Jodå:

[I en beskrivning av den eccentriska familjen Andrews]

When they had to make a joint decision, like whare to send young Billy to college or what to have for Christmas dinner, they would solemnly do the "Sortes Virgilianae" in full concourse assembled with Mr Andrews' old Aeneid; the idea was that the children became voting members of the family when they were able to construe Latin- think of that!

Fantastisk barnuppfostran!

Mer Mary McCarthy, som faktiskt var gift med Edmund "Bunny" Wilson (se nedan) i några turbulenta år:

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